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The MuTechTeacherTalk podcast series is available on all major podcast providers such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, and more.

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Episode 10: Music Technology & Engineering, Building Guitars, Amps, & Mics

Music Technology & Engineering: Building Guitars, Amps, & Mics
Heath Jones

In this episode I have a conversation with Dr. Andy Edwards who teaches music technology at Peachtree Ridge High School in Gwinnett County Public Schools in Suwanee, GA. In addition to the traditional music technology curriculum, Dr. Edwards has created a supplemental unit focused on students manufacturing instruments such as electric guitars, acoustic guitars, guitar amps, and even building microphones. Dr. Edwards was recognized by the Give A Note Foundation in 2019 as a National Music Teacher of Excellence and the recipient of a $5000 grant sponsored by the CMA that he has used to further develop his program.

In our conversation we discuss how he became involved in music and music technology, how he developed his innovative program of instrument manufacturing with his students, suggestions and tips for other teachers considering trying to start a similar projects, and more.

Dr. Edwards can be reached at, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter @roaring_records.

For more information about the Music Technology Teacher Network visit our website or find us on Facebook or YouTube @mutechteachernet and Twitter @mutechteachnet.